Filming in Uganda? Let our local expertise turn your vision into reality.

We’re Quantum East Africa, your one-stop shop for seamless production fixing and support throughout Uganda.

Please fill in the form below and our experts will be in touch with you for a free no-obligation consultation

More than Fixers, We're Uganda's Storytellers

We’re Quantum East Africa, not just fixers, but Ugandan-born storytellers weaving your vision into reality. We know the emerald forests’ hush, the city’s vibrant thrum, and the elder’s hidden smile. We speak the languages, navigate the traditions, and bridge lens to story with authenticity and respect. We believe in ethical, sustainable practices, so join us – be it footprints or films, let’s leave a legacy of wonder in Uganda, together.



We unlock the doors to film everywhere from bustling markets to hidden national parks, securing all necessary permits with local expertise.

Location Scouting

Forget map searches – we unearth the perfect backdrops for your story, from breathtaking vistas to vibrant local communities.

Crew Recommendations

From seasoned cameramen to cultural consultants, we handpick the ideal Ugandan crew to elevate your production.

Casting Assistance

Whether you seek local talent or seasoned professionals, we tap into our network to find the faces that tell your story authentically.

Drone Permits

We navigate the complex world of Ugandan drone regulations, securing permits and ensuring safe, impactful aerial filming.

Wildlife Filming Support

From tracking elusive gorillas to capturing the majesty of migrating elephants, we're your experts in responsible wildlife filming experiences.

Why Choose Quantum?

Local Hearts, Global Vision

We're not just fixers, we're Ugandans at heart. We speak the language, navigate the customs, and understand the soul of this land like no one else. This deep connection translates into authentic storytelling that goes beyond the surface.

Seamless Logistics

Permits, transportation, accommodation, location scouting – we handle it all, leaving you free to focus on capturing your vision. Say goodbye to logistical headaches and hello to smooth sailing throughout your Ugandan adventure.

Unleash Your Creativity

From drone permits to wildlife filming support, we provide the expertise and resources to bring your wildest cinematic dreams to life. No challenge is too big, no location too remote – we'll make it happen.

Ethically Minded

We believe in filming that benefits both filmmakers and local communities. We partner with responsible businesses, empower local voices, and leave only footprints behind. Your project will resonate with positive impact both on screen and off.

Cultural Cues

We navigate the cultural nuances of Uganda with respect and understanding, ensuring your project avoids missteps and embraces the beauty of local traditions. Your story will resonate with genuine cultural richness.

More Than Fixers

We're not just colleagues, we're passionate storytellers who become your partners in the Ugandan filmmaking journey. We share your excitement, support your challenges, and celebrate your successes.


Do not take our word for it. Hear it from our satisfied customers.

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